EX_2 Management
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Setting up PMO
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  • Exisiting Methodologies 
    • Project industrial standards such as PMP do address these issues and challenges; however there standard application can often be too time consuming, detailed and bureaucratic, and still not address the above issues effectively.
    • In deciding to implement any project methodology, some organisations have had to employ consultants and contractors for 3 months or longer, incurring significant additional cost for the organisation.


  • Proposed Solution
    • A tailored Programme Office run by internal staff,
      • designed using industrial standards such as PMP-PMI.
    • Clear solution that can be easily managed by internal staff.
    • The service proposes a consultancy service to
      • Analyse existing PM practices
      • review and document recommendations for improvement
      • if appropriate, set-up a Programme Management Office (PMO) structure.


Option One 

  • The Consultant will carry out the following:
    • Review the current status of how projects are run in your organisation,
    • Propose a structured approach to implementing and managing a Project/Programme Office in accordance with the scale of your organisation,
    • Provide recommendation which can be implemented by permanent staff. 


  • Deliverables
    • The recommendation will be documented by the consultant and a review meeting held with an appropriate officer within your organisation to ensure the recommendations are fully understood.
    • Your organisation can then implement this recommendation without further external assistance.



  • The advantage of this option is that you receive clear expert direction on what is required to implement a PMO, specifically produced to address the requirements of your organisation, at minimal cost.


Option Two

The Consultant will carry out the following:
  • Review the current status
  • Provide recommendations for improved methods as outlined in Option 1. 
  • Implement the new methods and train the permanent staff on using these.
  • The PMO office is set up for the client and the client staffs are trained to use it. 
  • This approach reduces the risk of delays in implementing an effective PMO, as the Consultant will manage the actual implementation of the PMO.


Option Three 

  • The Consultant will carry out the following:
    • Additional follow-up reviews based on either option 1 or 2.
  • Following implementation of the PMO, the consultant would
    • undertake structured reviews on how the staff have adapted to working with the new structure
    • suggest further improvement as required. 
  • The ideal time for the initial review session would be about 6 weeks after the staffs have started working with the new structure, followed by a further review in eight weeks time.


Ex_2 Management Consulting Ltd | jogunbekun@ex2managementconsulting.com